terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

Aby Warburg - Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America, review by Marcelo Guimarães Lima (1997)

Marcelo Guimarães Lima, review of
Images of the Pueblo Indians of North America by Aby Warburg
The Psychohistory Review
volume 25, number 2
Winter, 1997
University of Illinois at Springfield

Aby Warburg in America

 Aby M. Warburg, Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America,
 trans. Michael P. Steinberg (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University, 1997)


Culture and the Development of Critical Thinking. Elvira Souza Lima, Marcelo Guimarães Lima (1999)

Culture and the Development of Critical Thinking.
Elvira Souza Lima, Marcelo Guimarães Lima - Educational Foundations, 1999

Educational Foundations, v13 n3 p55-67 Sum 1999.
